By Peter Drummond November 26, 2024
Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
By Kayla Coons November 1, 2024
This article was written for Light A Candle by Burn USA Coordinator, Michael Coons. Burn is a global movement of 24/7 prayer and worship. To learn more or find a Burn furnace near you, visit
By Kayla Coons August 28, 2024
There have recently been more regulations and restrictions placed on women than ever before, even in biblical times. Shari'a law and "morality police" are imposing impossible demands on women not to allow any skin (even hands or eyes) to show, to refrain from even looking at a man who is not related to them, and to disallow them from speaking in public. Women in many nations are burdened with the weight of expectations that are meant to crush them. This was never God's intention for women.
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By Peter Drummond November 26, 2024
Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
By Kayla Coons November 1, 2024
This article was written for Light A Candle by Burn USA Coordinator, Michael Coons. Burn is a global movement of 24/7 prayer and worship. To learn more or find a Burn furnace near you, visit
By Kayla Coons August 28, 2024
There have recently been more regulations and restrictions placed on women than ever before, even in biblical times. Shari'a law and "morality police" are imposing impossible demands on women not to allow any skin (even hands or eyes) to show, to refrain from even looking at a man who is not related to them, and to disallow them from speaking in public. Women in many nations are burdened with the weight of expectations that are meant to crush them. This was never God's intention for women.
By Kayla Coons July 30, 2024
Have you ever wondered, "Does child sponsorship really make a difference?" The answer is a powerful YES! Sponsorship isn't just about financial support—it's about breaking the cycle of poverty and protecting children from trafficking by tackling the root causes of their vulnerability. In India, human trafficking is the second-largest form of organized crime, with a staggering 38.3% increase over the past five years. Every year, around 135,000 children are trafficked, trapped in a nightmare of exploitation and abuse. 
By Kayla Coons July 18, 2024
If you've felt the call to the nations and have been curious about the cost to being a full-time missionary read on for the common roadblocks to overcome!
By Kayla Coons June 28, 2024
The bible is full of the eternal rewards of persecution. The disciples prayed for boldness and gave thanks that they were counted worthy! Light a Candle chooses to work in highly persecuted nations....
By Maisey Pro March 29, 2022
We ALL have a role in and a call to intercession, may it be your full time gifting or not! “With all prayer and petition pray [with specific requests] at all times [on every occasion and in every season] in the Spirit, and with this in view, stay alert with all perseverance and petition [interceding in prayer] for all God’s people.” Ephesians 6:18 (Amplified) Do we need to say more than this verse?! As a believer, you are called, qualified and equipped by the Spirit, to make intercession. You might ask: What exactly is intercession? What sets this kind of prayer apart from others? An intercessory prayer comes from a place of listening for the heart of God for an individual or a situation, and crying out on their behalf. This kind of prayer is exciting because through it we get to partner with the Lord’s plan over an individual’s life! We ALL want to be used by the Lord. A great place to start is praying for friends and family and asking the Lord how to pray for them. As believers, we have access to the thoughts of God through scripture and through the Holy Spirit who is dwelling in every born again believer, ( 1 Corinthians 2:10:-16) (James 1:5). “1 Tim 2:1 First of all, then, I urge that requests, prayers, intercession, and thanksgiving be made on behalf of all people…” If you are new to the idea of intercession here are some practical steps you can take today to practice intercession: -Get alone with the Lord and ask Him who He has in mind for you to pray for. Don’t think too long about this. Write down any person or situation that comes to mind. -Next ask the Lord for a scripture to pray over the people/situation. Make note of the scripture that comes to mind. -Lastly, pray for that person or situation by speaking out that scripture over them. Spend a few moments praying in the Spirit to increase your awareness of what the Lord is up to. Remember to make a note of what you are praying for. Try praying for that person or situation several days in a row, until you feel released from praying for them. Take note of what the Lord does! Stay tuned to this blog! We will be going more in depth with intercession and how the Lord is using intercessors all over the world to proclaim His will!
By Maisey Pro February 8, 2022
Do you remember when there was a time that people would ask, “What is COVID-19?” The memory is slowly fading. With everything going on in the world it would be really easy for someone to feel that missions trips are not possible. For many, there are tons of questions that come with doing a mission trip in the middle of these turbulent times. “How do you get into countries?” “Do you wear your mask the whole time?” “Do I have to be vaccinated?” “How do you keep from getting Covid?” “What happens if I get Covid during outreach?” These are all VALID & honestly COMMON questions - but I think the answers are more simple than you might think. Even though sickness and darkness may exist on this Earth, the Gospel must go forth. T here is still an entire world longing for an encounter with Jesus. In Romans 1:20, you see that everyone in the world is seeing things that reveal Jesus as Lord and YHWH. But, as you read through the rest of the New Testament, you’ll see WE as the Body of Christ are still commanded to share this Good News! In the first chapter of 1 Corinthians Paul essentially says that this truth is EVERYTHING and that the message of the Gospel is what is going to change people’s lives. The Gospel message IS the one thing that brings real transformation. So, just because there’s a virus, doesn’t mean the spreading of the Gospel can stop... and it won't! In the book of Acts when the Apostles were told by the religious leaders that they couldn’t talk about Jesus, their response should send chills down our spines. Their reaction in Acts 4:20 summed up is this: No matter what may come, we won't stop telling people about Jesus! So what we’re saying is, yes, we understand there’s a sickness and disease happening all around the world. We understand that these are incredibly hard times for everyone. But we’re here to say that we MUST tell the world about JESUS. 🌏 What people really need right now is an encounter with Jesus. With all of the craziness happening in the world, suicide and addiction rates sky rocketing, families separated from each other, and people in isolation… people need to encounter the One who can change everything in one moment! The mission statement of our Light a Candle trips these past months has been to “go low and slow" - bringing peace, honor, and dignity into every situation. Yet at the same time, just like the early church of Acts, our mandate is to walk in BOLD FAITH as a people UNASHAMED of the Gospel! This means that we’re willing to push past the inconveniences, jump through the logistical travel hoops, and forsake our own comforts, if it means that someone will have an encounter that will CHANGE THEIR ETERNITY. It's worth it. In conclusion… We’re not going to stop sharing the Gospel in the nations. From the Genesis to Revelation, the subject hasn't changed. And nothing will stop us! "Christ is our message! We preach to awaken hearts and bring every person into the full understanding of truth." - Colossians 1:28-29 TPT Our hope is that as you read this you will be encouraged to share the love of Jesus with everyone, everywhere! To go out and BOLDLY share the Gospel in a time where people are crying out for hope and freedom. Lastly, our prayer is that sharing Jesus will once again become a priority in the body of Christ. Even if it means taking chances, experiencing discomfort, and stepping out in faith. EVERY SINGLE ONE IS WORTH IT ❤️
By Maisey Pro February 2, 2022
"At the very beginning of the COVID-19 lockdowns in 2020, I remember someone telling me, “We can’t stop the Great Commission, but we can press pause on it.” I remember thinking at that moment how wrong that felt. Out of all of the times in history when tragedy struck, weren’t those the times that the gospel was needed more than ever? Wasn’t that when people were more desperate than ever for hope?"
By Maisey Pro May 12, 2020
Staying Engaged With The Father’s Heart for the Nations During a Time of Global Crisis
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