There have recently been more regulations and restrictions placed on women than ever before, even in biblical times. Shari'a law and "morality police" are imposing impossible demands on women not to allow any skin (even hands or eyes) to show, to refrain from even looking at a man who is not related to them, and to disallow them from speaking in public. Women in many nations are burdened with the weight of expectations that are meant to crush them. This was never God's intention for women.
There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
Galatians 3:28
Women have been chosen to share about the Gospel of Jesus ever since Mary Magdalene was the first to share about His resurrection! God created women as the final act of creation and He has honored and called them to a special purpose since that moment.
Today, the underground church in Iran is the fastest growing church in the world and it is led primarily by women! These are women who live in a nation that is one of the most persecuted on earth and still they are preaching the Gospel with all boldness, without seminary degrees or ordinations. They are replicating the church of Acts in the modern world!
Not only are women leading churches in their own nation, but women outnumber men on the mission field 2:1. Perhaps it is because men are being called to be pastors in their local context, but we are seeing more women, including single women, on the field than ever before! Women are uniquely able to minister in stricter contexts that men cannot access due to the cultural barriers. While Muslim women (mothers) are called the Gatekeepers of Islam, we find that believing women are the keys for Christianity -- unlocking and opening doors to hearts that were once closed!
Women can make an impact on the world whether in their home context or by following Jesus to the darkest areas of the globe.
If you don't even know how to begin making an impact here are some ways you can take the first steps to leading the charge in your sphere of influence!