We take teams all over the world for 10-14 day trips packed with explosive supernatural outreach and adventure as we serve, build and love those God calls us to. 

God’s promises are true and do not fail. We believe that no nation is too hard, no people group is unreachable, and all things are possible through Jesus.

We believe in partnering with what God is already doing and work with local churches, sustainable ministries, and missionaries.
It is our heart to truly honor, serve, and bring a fresh fire to the local believers.

You can expect to see God move powerfully and that you will be stretched!
We have incredible leaders who will empower you to step out of your comfort zone.
Be warned that you will get less sleep than your normal routine and eat different food than you are used to while experiencing another culture that will never leave you the same!
By Kayla Coons December 23, 2023
Trip Dates: May 23-30, 2025
By Kayla Coons December 22, 2023
Trip Dates: May 28-June 4, 2025
By Kayla Coons December 21, 2023
Trip Dates: July 1-15, 2025
By Kayla Coons December 17, 2023
Summer 2025 | Open to LAC Alumni Only
By Kayla Coons December 16, 2023
Trip Dates: August 11-22, 2025
By Kayla Coons December 15, 2023
Trip Dates: August 25-September 8, 2025
By Kayla Coons December 14, 2023
Trip Dates: September 19-29, 2025
By Kayla Coons December 13, 2023
Trip Dates: September 26-October 7, 2025
By Kayla Coons December 12, 2023
Trip Dates: November 3-14, 2024
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Experience what it's like on a Light a Candle trip!






What can I expect from a Short-Term Trip?

You’ll see God move powerfully and grow in your relationship with Him! We have incredible leaders for our Short Term Mission Trips who will empower you to step out of your comfort zone. You can expect to get less sleep than your normal, eat different food than you’re used to, and catch God’s heart for another culture that will not leave you the same.

Where does my money go?

Short term trips aren’t cheap, and we know that! But we truly believe that no dollar is wasted, and that when God calls us to go, He provides every step of the way. We budget conservatively so that all costs are considered and that any unexpected expenses are covered. That being said, our heart is to invest into the nations we go to! Anything left over from trips goes back into our missions fund to continue sending people to the nations.

What if I have food preferences or allergies?

Please let your trip leader know and we will do our best to accomodate any allergies, but this will vary from location to location. We recommend bringing some snacks/protein powder/etc. along with you if your allergies are severe.

Can families go on trips?

Yes! We open up some of our trips to families, but not all. This depends largely on the location/safety/type of ministry/ground situation. It is best to go ahead and apply for the trip, as this helps the trip leader get to know your family. They will then reach out to you about if a certain trip is a good fit for you!

Do you offer scholarships for trips?

No, we don’t offer scholarships or discounts at this time. We encourage fundraising for trips, and believe strongly in the provision of Jesus as people step out into missions.

Are there any age restrictions for Light A Candle trips?

No! We believe the Great Commission is for everyone and want to make it possible for anyone to do missions, regardless of their stage of life. We’ve had minors as young as 11 years old join their parents on our trips, 70-year-old revivalists, and everything in between! Approval from your trip leader is required for unaccompanied minors!

Is any prior education or experience required?

No! We believe everyone called by Jesus with a servant heart is qualified!

I’ve never been on a mission trip before. Will I be trained before the trip?

Yes! There will be several team calls before the trip begins, during which our amazing trip leaders will give helpful information and basic training.

When will I meet up with the team?

You’ll join your team either 1) during a joint layover organized by the trip leader or 2) on the ground in-country. Your flights will be strategically booked by the Missions Team with the goal of having you connect with your team during travel or at the same arrival time.

Can I join a long-term team right away?

No. The first step to getting involved in long-term missions is to be part of a short-term trip!

My spouse and I both want to go. Are we both required to apply?

Yes! You can each send in a separate application and mention the name of your significant other.


Light a Candle long-term missionaries have felt the call of the Lord on their lives to serve Him in full-time ministry, either in their home country or another nation. Each missionary is self-supported and could not do this work for the Kingdom without generous supporters.

Take a look at the bios of each of our missionaries, and if led, follow the directions to give to their ministry for the Kingdom of God!

By Light a Candle April 2, 2023
Location: Northern Iraq | Click here to read more about the Coons Family!
By Peter Drummond February 22, 2022
Location: USA | Click here to read more about Peter and Danielle!
By Kayla Coons February 21, 2022
Location: USA | Click here to read more about Sarah!
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Jesus commands us to go into all the world and make disciples of all nations. Will you fulfill this great commission?
We are sending thriving missionaries to bring the Kingdom of God to the remote and unreached nations. 

There is no such thing as a nation that is too far, too hard, or too dark to be transformed by the Gospel of Jesus. His love changes everything!
We firmly believe in building sustainability in missions that will reap lasting fruit for eternity. Will you go?
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