Can you even do missions in 2022?

At the very beginning of the COVID-19 lockdowns in 2020, I remember someone telling me, “We can’t stop the Great Commission, but we can press pause on it.” I remember thinking at that moment how wrong that felt. Out of all of the times in history when tragedy struck, weren’t those the times that the gospel was needed more than ever? Wasn’t that when people were more desperate than ever for hope? 

The idea of “pressing pause” on the Great Commission is sadly one that is believed by many, even almost two years after the start of the pandemic. If you’re one of many asking, “Can you even do missions in 2022?” I’m here to tell you… the answer is YES.

There is always going to be “some reason” why a trip “just isn’t going to work right now” but I want to encourage you to press in because the most incredible breakthrough, miracles and salvations are on the other side of inconvenience! 

Two great examples of this are from trips I lead in 2021 to Alabama and Egypt. Many of you will remember “snowmageddon” that hit Texas with a wave of blackouts and ice. Two of our team members had their flights cancelled and there was no way to get them there and many other team members' flights were (pardon the pun) up in the air. We had to make a decision; would we give up because it looked difficult or would we press in again? After much prayer we felt the trip was supposed to happen so I booked flights for the following morning, flew out and drove the stranded team members all the way from Austin! That trip wound up with a 3 day outpouring of God’s Spirit in Mobile Alabama!

Our Egypt trip kept flip flopping with COVID restrictions and our contacts in-country were unsure if they would even be able to host us so I started thinking about delaying the trip a month, or even two! God spoke to me and said, “There will always be a reason to move the trip another month. Will you just come and be with whoever I lead you to?” I booked my whole team’s flights that same day. 

That trip was FULL of miracles and wonders (gas multiplied, asthma and other breathing problems healed instantly and so much more). Word was spreading that there was a team ministering in power and we had more invitations than we could keep, even on top of all our original ministry plans.

What does this mean for YOU? 

God WILL make a way when you step out in faith in the assignment He has given you. If you’re experiencing resistance, get on your face before Him and LISTEN. He wants His dreams for you more than you ever could and the safest place you can be is the center of His will. 

Our mandate as Light a Candle has always been to go to the hardest and darkest places on earth, even during the hardest and darkest times. We have set a standard of radical persistence since the beginning of the lockdowns. We go in wisdom and love, but ultimately believe that the flexibility required to do missions in 2022 is well worth it, because we see more people than ever saying “yes” to Jesus. 

Trust us - it’s MORE than worth it.

Jesus is raising up a new breed of missionaries. This wave of passionate believers are relentless in the pursuit of ALL nations coming to know King Jesus. They will stop at nothing, remain unafraid to lay down their rights, and be the voices who will say, “Jesus is worth it. The gospel is worth it.” 

Will you be one of them?

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